The Montessori Method
The Montessori Method was established by Dr. Maria Montessori over 100 years ago and maintains a focus of the development of the whole child.
Authentic Montessori has several foundational components that support the child’s natural development, encourage independence, and build confidence:
Mixed-Age Groupings
Montessori environment features mixed-aged groupings that allow each child to progress through the comprehensive curriculum at their own pace.
Giving Children a Voice
Montessori education builds upon peaceful and respectful classroom communities where each child has a voice.
Exploring Interests
Opportunities for social development and the ability for the child to follow their own interests make Montessori an attractive educational option for many families.
“The child is both the hope and a promise for mankind.”
— Maria Montessori
Our Curriculum
Village Montessori Academy is an authentic Montessori school. Trained Montessori teachers guide children in the use of genuine Montessori materials.
Practical Life
The welcoming practical life area bridges school to home and builds community while teaching life skills of using tools, preparing food, caring for self and the classroom environment, and being a good steward of the earth. Work in practical life:
builds attention span and concentration
fosters independence and self-esteem
refines gross and fine motor control
strengthens the hand for writing
connects to cultural study
authentically teaches grace and courtesy
prepares the child for work in all curriculum areas

The sensorial area teaches children to observe using their senses and to use accurate language for naming and describing similarities and differences in size, dimension, shape, form, color, texture, weight, scent, sound, and taste. This sensorial work builds auditory and visual discrimination and critical thinking skills needed in language and math.

The acquisition of language with its component skills is facilitated through the multi-sensory sequential Montessori language curriculum that follows their individual development. In our classrooms, children are immersed in rich, accurate language of all curriculum areas. Children build foundational language skills through:
Oral language activities that build vocabulary and usage such classification and sequencing
Direct instruction in and modeling of courteous conversation and polite communication of wants and needs
Handwriting instruction, proper letter formation, pencil hold
Writing words with the moveable alphabet
Structured, sequential, multi-sensory reading instruction
Grammar lessons and activities beginning with function of words
Research lessons

Science and Culture Studies
Through the sequential cross-curricular Montessori science and cultural curriculum children learn about their beautiful world. Hands-on science and cultural activities include lessons on botany, zoology, physical science, history, geography, and culture including exploration through food preparation, art, and music.

The Montessori math curriculum with its hands-on multisensory materials make extremely abstract concepts concrete. This serves children both by making math work attractive and engaging and by building a deep understanding of math principles. The Montessori math curriculum includes works in:
Linear and skip counting
The decimal system
The four operations with quantities of units, tens, hundreds, and thousands
Memorization of math facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Practical math: clock, measurement, and money

Peace Education
True peace is achieved through community, caring, and communication. Montessori’s beautiful, developmentally appropriate peace curriculum both gives children the tools they need to communicate and work together peacefully and the assurance that they are respected. Grace and courtesy is a part of all lessons in every curriculum area. Authentic opportunities to be of real service to their classroom community and to care for our natural world and its living things grows capable, compassionate, confident children.